“I’m Dancing As Fast As I Can”

No, I’m not emulating Barbara Gordon (especially not the pill-popping part) – but this title/quote popped into my head this morning and seemed like such the perfect description of how I’ve felt lately.

I mean, really, how much time and energy does it take just to live your life?  I’m not even counting the hours I spend at the office or working not at the office, but just life.  Personal care, cat care, apartment care – each of which has several subsets.  Add to that the occasional desire to have some fun…and what gets cut?  Well, in my case, usually quiet time, also, by some, known as “sleep”.  Luckily, I’ve never needed much. 

But still – my typical day starts when I bounce (literally) out of bed at about 4:15 am – the bounce is a necessary method to get me up and moving – and “ends” when I get home, at the very earliest, meaning no post-office duties or fun, at about 7 pm.   I generally crawl (not bounce) back into bed sometime after 10 pm.  Before you ask, here’s some of what fills those hours: 

4:15 – 5:30 am:  Pet care and other chores 

6:45 (or 7) – 8:30 am:  Bikram Yoga

9:30 am – 5:30 pm: Office

Surround those key points with commuting time, dressing time, and more chores, and there you go.  The simplest version of my daily schedule.  And we all know life is never simple.

I freely admit, in terms of this issue, being single doesn’t actually help, but not having kids sure does.  Honestly, how moms (and dads) manage – I’m awestruck.

Still, I’m not unhappy with the way I’ve chosen to live my life…but sometimes, I just can’t dance fast enough.