The Ten Year Challenge

It happens every year or so… all your friends on social media jump on the hashtag bandwagon and post side-by-side photos of themselves from 10 years ago and now. I’ve done it; I bet you have too.

We’re told that these “challenges” help in refining facial recognition software, etc, etc, and more nefarious motives. Somehow I doubt it, and in fact, this year, it even made me think.

I posted on Facebook: “Here’s an idea for a real 10 year challenge:Who were you then and how have you changed for the better?”

I love my friends. They played along, and one even thought to ask me how I would answer. Since in posing the question, I was preparing to write this post, that was my answer.

First, are we talking 10 years before the year we just completed, or the one we just started? Because 2011 and 2012 were very different years for me, while 2021 melted into 2022 almost indistiguishably (at least so far). But for the sake of argument, let’s go with 2012… mainly because I have this great photo of the epic 12-12-12 birthday.

At the Algonquin, December 12, 2012

In 2012, I was doing work I loved at the wrong place, and learning some hard lessons about letting go. And that applies to so many areas of my life.

That place that makes you unhappy? Leave.

That activity that everyone says you must try? Only if you want to.

That friend who can be wonderful but with some regularity is not? Stop chasing that dream.

Those expectations that were unrealistic from the start? Take a hard look at them and move forward.

In 2022, I’m working. The work is interesting and important and keeps me close to the creation of theater, even if I do sometimes feel that I’ve failed.

In 2022, I’m making smarter choices: about what I do and why, about who is in my life, and about where I want to go from here. (Okay, that last I’ve not figured out yet, but it sounds great, doesn’t it?)

And I look damn cute in a mask.

On the A train, one day in 2022. Or 2021. Or March 673, 2020.